Parent Tips
Child support guidelines should empower both parents
Connecticut's Child Support Guidelines need to empower both parents to maintain households and pay for expenses associated with child rearing. The term “empower” is important, since they benefit from seeing parents who have...
Testimony reveals major flaws in Connecticut’s Guardian ad litem system
Testimony before the Judiciary Committee on Friday, April 5, 2013, revealed major flaws in Connecticut’s Guardian ad litem system. GALs are supposed to interpret the "best interest of the child" in contested custody cases. Often,...
Parental Alienation: This Time Proven in a Connecticut Court
I get a stream of complaints about “parental alienation” in Connecticut, the attempt by one parent to minimize or eliminate the other parent’s role with the children. Every year, two or three of these cases come to my attention....
Take care of yourself during divorce. What works for you?
Many individuals become interested in shared parenting either during or after a difficult seperation. During this period all the individuals are going through a possible range of emotions. The fear, anger, and anxiety can be...
Lobby the Connecticut legislature to stop parental alienation
We want to sponsor legislation in January 2013 for the presumption of equal parenting time and to penalize alienating behavior. If you support this idea, leave a comment by clicking on this post.
Recognize the signs of parental alientation
An expert on parent-child relationships and author of the book “Parental Alienation Syndrome: Breaking the Ties that Bind” testified in New Haven court according to The New Haven Register on September 12,2012. Here are some of the...
Minnesota Legislature Takes Long Step Towards Shared Parenting – but the Governor Vetoes
A path breaking shared parenting bill was recently passed by the Minnesota legislature. Two new requirements: 1) The bill (HF 322) requires a minimum of 35% of the parenting time for each parent; 2) the 35% minimum takes effect...
False Allegations of Child Abuse Punished in Oregon — by $750 Fine!
Oregon recently passed a law making false allegations a class A crime -- but the punishment is $750, and that requires proving "the intent to influence a custody, parenting time, visitation or child support decision (419B.016 Offense...
Faith Middleton, NPR personality, asks “What do you want for your children?”
Faith and divorce mediator Bruce Clements agreed that the focus of divorce should shift to the children. Judges and mediators should put this question front and center: "What do you want for your children?" They advocate collaborate...