Connecticut parents: take control of your divorce
You can parent separately without a judge telling you what to do. Typically, judges and lawyers have no training in the emotional issues associated with parenting from separate households.
NEW, 2021! Connecticut family court allows you to work out details and methods for settling disputes now and into the future.

SPC has vetted lists of Connecticut mediators & divorce financial analysts. We guide you to court resources allowing you to take charge.

CT Mediators
SPC has identified skilled mediators operating throughout the state and online. Work through emotional and practical divorce issues to arrive at long lasting settlement focused on your children.

Financial Analysts
All the divorce financial analysts on our list have been certified by the Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts (IDFA). All are based in Connecticut.
Important New Connecticut Family Court Procedures, 2021:
Divorcing or separating parents can stay focused on what is best for their children by using new mediation procedures.
The problem with litigation is that judges, lawyers and other court appointed professionals (guardian ad litems, psychologists, etc.) are rarely trained on how to best raise children when the parents live separately. Two fit parents love and care for their children. Parents, you are now free to focus on how to raise your children in split households. Use the money you might pay to lawyers, GALs and other court ordered professionals – usually $10,000 and often much, much more – to benefit your children.

Here are new procedures you can use:
- Work together with an experienced divorce mediator to develop a Parental Responsibility Plan (PRP) and financial arrangements that are best for you and your children.
- It is best to work out every detail in advance unless the two of you think you can maintain a good working relationship no matter what happens in the future. We provide a list of Connecticut mediators known to have training and experience relevant to divorce mediation and child custody.
- SPC has compiled a list of certified financial analysts in Connecticut. They have training relevant to financial matters in divorce.
- How do I get my divorce and/or parenting plan approved by the court? Go to our Resources page for more information.

Help us change Connecticut Family Court so that it better serves parents and children. We have actively lobbied the legislature and the Judicial Branch, working for change.