CT Mediators
Why Mediate?
Mediation is when individuals choose a neutral third party to help resolve conflicts and disputes. Through this process, individuals create solutions pertaining to their particular circumstances and needs. Mediation allows for a more hands-on approach in shaping results for your family .
People choose mediation because it is cost effective—significantly less expensive than litigating in court. People also choose mediation because it allows for people to have more say in outcomes—giving them more power and control. Mediation is less stressful and often times quicker.
Connect with Connecticut mediators known to have training and experience relevant to divorce mediation and parenting time.
SPC’s picks as best mediators based on experience: click each for more:
Cindy Cartier, JD, LLM, 203-916-2430
Cindy founded ct-mediation where she advocates for a peaceful resolution outside of court. Her motto is “End your conflict, Enjoy your life.” She has over 20 years of experience successfully mediating divorce and custody decisions. cindy@ct-mediation.com. Based in Guilford, CT.
Colleen O'Neil, MSW, M.Ed. 203-232-5102
Colleen holds Master degrees in Social Work and Education. She is a trained Divorce Mediator, Divorce Coach, Therapist and Educator. Her practice, Mediation and Beyond serves families in all phases of the divorce process as well as the aftermath. https://mediationandbeyond.com. Based in Westport.
Ellen Plasil, Attorney, 203-553-9993
Attorney and mediator Ellen Plasil earned her law degree from Rutgers Law School. Her exclusive area of practice is the mediation of all matters concerning dissolution of marriages and post-judgment matters. All services offered via video conferencing. DivorceMediatorCT.com