Parents Take Charge

, Parents can now take charge of their own divorce and make sure it works for your children now and into the future. You want to be able to be there for your children during their graduations, weddings and other major life events. Create lasting settlement of your disputes because you love your children.

Here is a checklist designed to improve your chances of having a court approve your shared parenting agreement, even when you represent yourself.

Important to immediately get your signed mediated agreement approved by the court. You can now do that without without going to a court house. You are in charge of your children’s future.

Two or three forms must be filed with the court. 

  • One is “Affidavit in Support of Request for Approval of Final Agreement on Motion(s)”  JD-FM-280 (June 2021). Click here for JD-FM-280. This contains your agreement that you worked out with a skilled mediator.
  • Second is JD-FM-282 (May 2020), “Request for Approval of Final Agreement Without Court Appearance.” Click here for JD-FM-282.
  • Third, if your children are subject to any part of the agreement you will need sworn financial affidavits. There are short and long forms as well as helpful documents: search here for keywords “financial affidavits.”
  • These forms are affidavits which you sign in front of a notary public. Click here for a list of notaries.
  • Note that we are not providing legal advice, and that these forms apply to a non-adversarial divorce worked out with an experienced and skilled mediator. More detail on non-adversarial divorce is available on the  Connecticut Family Court website.

Disclaimer: The Shared Parenting Council of Connecticut (SPC) does not provide legal, psychological or financial advice. The information and materials provided throughout this website are intended to offer alternative solutions and suggestions for parenting disputes. The custody and child rearing suggestions in this website do not serve as a substitute for obtaining competent legal counsel, psychological assistance, financial advice or a professional custody assessment. SPC’s opinion might be disputed by legal professionals. It might become outdated by some change in court procedures.
