Parent Tips
Many jailed due to unrealistic child support orders
Over 2% of the US population is in jail, and many are low income parents who got behind on excessive child support orders, according to a New York Times article. For example, in Georgia, one in eight inmates is there because of...
Moving in the right direction…
The Wall Street Journal reports on efforts by fathers to seek parity in custody disputes: basically, shared parenting! 20 states are now considering shared parenting legislation. It is heartening this important matter is getting more...
When does child support interfere with good parenting? When is it excessive?
Kimberly Seals Allers writes in the New York Times about “redefining what child support really is, for our family .” She recently petitioned the Family Court in Queens to forgive over $38,000 that her ex-husband owed in child...
Even Abused Foster Children Do Not Reject a Parent
By Linda J. Gottlieb Kase, LMFT, LCSW-r March 18, 2015 Research Observation: Despite the abuse and neglect suffered by the 3000 foster care children who had been under my care, it was extremely uncommon for those children to refuse...
Testimony Supports Less Need for Court Ordered Professionals
The SPC advocates amendments to Connecticut's HB 5505 to reduce conflict by giving each parent an incentive to support the other parents. This implements CT's 2005 law - other states (MA, MD and others) are implementing shared...
Legislative Regulation Review Committee: new date!
Because of the snow storm on January 27, the Legislative Regulation Review Committee will now meet on Tuesday, February 3, 2015. The time and location remain the same: 10:00 AM in Room 1E of the Legislative Office Building, 300...
Reject CT CS Commission’s Recommendations!
On January 27, 2015 the Legislative Regulation Review Committee of the Connecticut General Assembly meets to consider the child support recommendations submitted by the Commission on Child Support Guidelines. We call on the Committee...
Child Support Reform Opportunity
We have an important opportunity to remove the financial incentive behind being awarded child support: “cash for kids” as Divorce Corp puts it. Help us try to change the Title IV-D Federal Regulations that are up for review. The...
Shameful Attack on Rep. Minnie Gonzalez in the Hartford Courant
The Saturday, October 25, 2014 Hartford Courant editorial (p A9) engages in a poorly researched attack on Rep Minnie Gonzalez, who is seeking a 10th term in the legislature. To their shame, they neglect to mention Minnie’s heroic...