Parent Tips
Should Family Courts Presume that Both Parents are Fit?
Child welfare cases and family court courts share an imperative to seriously investigate allegations of abuse and violence, so that children and other family members are not placed in danger In child welfare, parents are presumed...
Parallel parenting can work in high conflict custody cases
A distinguished task force of judges, lawyers, and family court professionals did a great job of defining shared parenting to include parallel parenting. “even in circumstances where shared parenting may appear difficult, depending...
Symposium on Parenting Research and Family Court Practices
Legislative Office Building - Room 1C 300 Capitol Avenue Hartford, CT 06106 Friday, January 26, 2018, 2pm 2:00 – 2:30 Introduction: Speaker: John Clapp Need to review and update information outlined in 2014 paper titled “Closing the...
Family Court Professionals Endorse Shared Parenting
A three-day Task Force meeting of “family law experts” (i.e., legal experts, mental health practitioners, conflict resolution practitioners, educators, judges, court services administrators, and researchers) reached strong consensus...
Does Shared Parenting affect early childhood development?
A renowned Cambridge University Professor, Dr. Michael Lamb, says that young children benefit by forming attachment to both parents, and other caring involved adults as well. Speaking at the International Conference on Shared...
Scientific Research Rejects the “Tender Years Doctrine”
What is the “Tender Years Doctrine?” This is the belief that very young children – infants, toddlers, and children up to four years of age – should spend all their overnights in one location. It has been used to justify many court...
Exchange Information with Shared Parenting Experts: International Conference in Boston, May 29-30
The National Parents Organization ( is sponsoring a group of experts on shared parenting. Some highlights from the NPO website, : Research suggests that fully half of troubled children and adolescents...
Shared Parenting Conference May 29-30, Boston
This is an important conference, with a stellar international group of researchers on shared parenting. With this conference, shared parenting has gone mainstream, much as the civil rights and gay marriage movements did in another...
Rally at CT’s Legislative Office Building, Wednesday, Feb 22
Please join shared parenting supporters in our effort to pass legislation reforming the family courts. Where: the Lobby of the LOB, Hartford Connecticut When: 4:30pm, Wednesday February 22, 2017 Who: Rep Minnie Gonzalez and the Black...