Parent Tips
The Marriage Story: NY Times says that in custody battles parents are called on “to make cartoon villains of each other.” 12/23/2019. True? In Connecticut?
For discussion attend the shared parenting symposium at the CT Legislative Office building on Friday January 24, 1-4pm, room 1C . See the Marriage Story with Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson. For more information, search Symposium...
Hear Legislators Speak about Shared Parenting, Fri. Jan 24, Hartford, CT
A symposium entitled Reducing Parental Conflict and Risk of Harm to Children will take place at the CT Legislative Office building on Friday January 24, 1-4pm, room 1C. Please pass this information to others interested in shared...
CT judge rules for more time with the non-residential parent
In a recent Connecticut case, the judge ruled for extra father time based on the 16 factors defining best interests of the child. Importantly, the judge ruled that a major change in circumstances is NOT required in order to change...
Do you Agree with Kansas Shared Parenting Bill?
A bill before the Kansas legislature in 2019 says, in part: (c) (1) If there is presentation of documentation or other information by a parent that would support a finding of good cause that domestic abuse has occurred or is...
February 5: Public Hearing on Parental Alienation
This is a major opportunity to influence Family Court reform Legislative Office Building, LOB, Room 2C, 300 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT Tuesday, February 5, 2019 | 10:00AM – 12:00 Noon: Presentation by Experts 12:00 Noon - 1:00PM |...
Referendum on Shared Parenting?
How would you vote on this proposed referendum for Connecticut? "The Connecticut Legislature shall be instructed to vote in favor of legislation requiring that in all separation and divorce proceedings involving minor children, the...
Which is the better shared parenting law?
In 2018, Virginia passed a law requiring judges to consider shared parenting on a basis equal to sole or primary custody. This promises to change the current practice of awarding sole or primary custody in 85% of cases. Do you...
Kentucky Shared Parenting Law Reduces Conflict in Custody Cases
“What this law does is it mandates that when a case begins — a time-sharing case or custody case — that I start with what’s best for these children is a 50/50 time-sharing schedule with the...
2013 Task Force Strongly Endorses Shared Parenting- do you agree?
In 2013, a Task Force consisting of over 30 judges, lawyers, family court practitioners and researchers concluded that: 1. “Promotion of shared parenting constitutes a public health issue that extends beyond a mere legal...