Parent Tips
‘Ask Amy’ (Amy Dickinson) supports shared parenting
Amy writes: “The assumption that the child belongs with the mother with paternal ‘visitation’ is an outmoded model, and I think the courts are moving slowly to recognize this. It is in the best interest of the child to spend as much time as possible with both parents, when both parents are committed, loving and involved — as you obvioiusly are.”
Pew study shows that absent fathers much less involved with kids
The respected Pew Research Center found that 69 percent of those questioned said they believe a child needs a father in the home to grow up happily. But 27% of dads surveyed live separately from their children, up from 11% in 1960....
Street Talk with Fr Russ Carmichael
The Shared Parenting Council of Connecticut was hosted by Fr. Russ on his TV show, Thursday December 9, 2010. Please comment here.
What are the “Best Interests of the Child?”-Click Here to leave a comment
What do you think? How could the legal system change to truly accommodate The Best Interests of the Child?
Connecticut Child Custody Decisions Flawed? (Click Here to leave a comment)
Men and women who want to be actively involved with their children report several major issues with Connecticut family court: 1. visitation interference; 2. the use of fraudulent restraining orders as a tool to separate one parent...
What Works-Click Here to leave a comment
I have found that the single most important theme of my parenting style is consistency to the point of being ridiculous with carefully orchestrated periods of total or near-total insanity. I feel very protective of our time together,...