SPC Blog: What You Need to Know

Learn about Legal Divorce Speak

Attorneys share a common legal language around divorce, with important implications for child custody cases.

Maureen Martowska, J.D., presenter is a lawyer trained in mediation with extensive knowledge about co-parenting under the law.

Colleen O’Neil, MSW, M.Ed., host is a trained mediator, therapist, educator, social worker, and divorce coach. She has successfully implemented solutions for divorce mediations and difficult post-divorce issues, most recently through her private practice in Westport, CT.

Date & Time: Tuesday May 19, 2020 at 8:00pm

Format: 15-minute presentation followed by 15 minutes of Q&A. Program is about 30 minutes.

Where: Join Zoom Meeting. email info@sharedparentinginc.org for an invitation.

Please share this meeting link with anyone you think might want to participate.

Every Tuesday at 8pm talk with professionals who know about emotional, legal, and practical issues related to divorce, co-parenting, parallel parenting and parenting of all sorts. If you’re unable to attend watch our replay at SharedParentinginc.org.


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2) All attendees shall observe proper etiquette and talk civilly and without using defamatory or abusive language.

3) All attendees shall use generic inquiries and not specifically identify individuals or disparage parties.

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