by Admin | Jan 19, 2023 | Best Interests of the Child, Education, Shared Parenting Tips
This year’s shared Shared Parenting Council Symposium in the Legislative Office Building was a success. You can see first hand the passion and support first hand on The Connecticut Network. Prof. Marsha Kline Pruett spoke on the FRSC Program in detail. You can...
by John Clapp | Dec 28, 2021 | Best Interests of the Child, Shared Parenting Tips, Your Divorce Advisor
Watch a compelling personal story of divorce and redemption through mediation by a renowned family counselor. Colleen O’Neil, MSW, M.Ed. is a trained educator, social worker, therapist, mediator and divorce coach. She has...
by John Clapp | May 9, 2020 | Best Interests of the Child, Shared Parenting Tips, Your Divorce Advisor
Prof. Martin Kulldorff, Ph.D. is a biostatistician and professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. He has substantial experience with shared parenting. And Host Colleen O’Neil, MSW, M.Ed. is a trained mediator,...
by John Clapp | Jan 1, 2020 | Best Interests of the Child, Shared Parenting Tips, Your Divorce Advisor
For discussion attend the shared parenting symposium at the CT Legislative Office building on Friday January 24, 1-4pm, room 1C . See the Marriage Story with Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson. For more information, search Symposium at...
by John Clapp | Jan 1, 2020 | Best Interests of the Child, Shared Parenting Tips, Your Divorce Advisor
A symposium entitled Reducing Parental Conflict and Risk of Harm to Children will take place at the CT Legislative Office building on Friday January 24, 1-4pm, room 1C. Please pass this information to others interested in shared parenting. Our two keynote speakers,...