by John Clapp | Dec 9, 2010 | Shared Parenting Tips
The Shared Parenting Council of Connecticut was hosted by Fr. Russ on his TV show, Thursday December 9, 2010. Please comment here.
by John Clapp | Jul 12, 2010 | Best Interests of the Child
Child custody decisions are based on a legal concept of “the best interests of the child,” but interpreting this phrase has been left to individual judges and family relations staff. In 2005 Connecticut passed a law that redefines “the best interests” to include (but...
by John Clapp | Jul 1, 2010 | Best Interests of the Child
Men and women who want to be actively involved with their children report several major issues with Connecticut family court: 1. visitation interference; 2. the use of fraudulent restraining orders as a tool to separate one parent from their children; 3. unrealistic...
by John Clapp | Jul 18, 2009 | Shared Parenting Tips
I have found that the single most important theme of my parenting style is consistency to the point of being ridiculous with carefully orchestrated periods of total or near-total insanity. I feel very protective of our time together, so I have resisted enrolling the...