SPC Blog: What You Need to Know

25 Legislators have Signed a Letter of Support for SPC and NPO-CT

25 legislators have signed a letter of support for SPC and NPO-CT as representatives of parents who have used Family Courts. In brief, the letter states that their advocacy has the potential to reduce incentives for harmful litigation. They advocate for a new emphasis on skilled, child-focused mediation in Court procedures….In our view, this evidence-based advocacy adds importantly to other advocacy groups that are currently serving on commissions and committees related to Family Court procedures and Judicial Branch training.”

We can’t name all 25 here, but we are particularly thankful to the leadership of the Black and Puerto Rican caucus, Gerry Reyes and Tammy Exum, and to all 10 of the BPRC members who signed the letter. They understand the unequal outcomes resulting from Family Court practices. Many families  without resources to battle through a maze of Court practices have seen their children suffer.

Rep. Minnie Gonzalez has long been a strong advocate for shared parenting. She recognizes that the SPC represents the interests of parents who have used the Family Court System. Her aide, Migdalia, helped to circulate the letter.

Rep. Juan Candelaria led the effort to draft the letter that was signed by 24 other legislators.

In 2021, Rep. Robin Comey initiated legislative support to have shared parenting groups recognized by Family Court and included in deliberations relevant to Court procedures.

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